SAP for Pre-Commercial Cell and Gene Therapy Companies

In the past five or so years, the cell and gene therapy industry has experienced significant growth and innovation. In 2020, Grand View Research valued the global cell therapy market at $7.8 billion with a 14.5% growth rate over the next six years. 

Small, pre-commercial organizations and large organizations are making investments in this space, contributing to innovation and learning and demonstrating just how effective cell and gene therapies can be for patients. Essentially, they’re creating personalized medicine that has the potential to change, or save, someone’s life. 

From autologous therapies, where a patient’s cells are the raw material, to allogeneic therapies, where the patient’s gene makeup is being matched to a donor cell, we’re seeing the incredible impact these therapies have on patients – replacing, repairing, restoring cellular makeup. This type of medical and technological innovation – from both a patient and industry perspective – is life-changing.  

With these therapies, there’s also a critical aspect of tracking patient data and mitigating risk. In the life sciences industry, we think of organizations leveraging SAP from an ERP perspective to manage their commercial operations – schedule, production planning, supply chain management, etc.  

For pre-commercial clients going to commercialization, there’s a need for cell orchestration platforms, in particular, which are tools to effectively track data and ensure seamless integration – linking the patient data to patient outcome and ultimately improving product makeup. Cell orchestration platforms build upon those core SAP capabilities and can help companies enhance their capabilities to commercialize their products safely and securely. 

In this podcast episode, Brian Moran, CEO of Small Business Edge, and Janel Firestein, partner and life sciences industry lead at Clarkston Consulting, discuss the commercialization technology needs of cell and gene therapy companies as well as potential tech investments these companies should consider when moving from the clinical phases to commercialization. 


For more guidance on SAP solutions for your pre-commercial cell and gene therapy company, contact our team at Crescense today. 


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